Student’s Charter

Kumi University Center for International Cooperation (CIC) values its students and recognizes the importance of the overall student experience. With this in mind, the Center is committed to providing a welcoming, supportive and safe environment, conducive to learning and research and the development of individuals who display the University values of Godliness and Excellence for Servant-hood.

All students are encouraged to read the Charter so that they know what they can expect and what is expected of them during their time at University. The Charter outlines a common set of principles that students and University agree will result in an outstanding student experience.

The Students Expect the University to:

  1. Respect and Engagement
  • Be treated with courtesy and respect
  • To communicate freely and to be able to voice alternative points of view in rational debate
  • To be provided with a work and study environment in which concerns and complaints are addressed as fairly and quickly as possible.<script async src=”//”>
  • To enjoy a study environment free from harassment, discrimination and bullying and that the University will facilitate investigation and resolution of alleged harassment or discrimination.
  • The University to value the contribution you make to society professionally and personally throughout your life, as an alumnus of the University
  • To have personal privacy respected, so that personally sensitive information will be requested only where necessary for University academic or administrative functions and that, once collected, it will be adequately protected against inappropriate or unauthorized access.
  • To have access upon request to personal records which the University may hold about you, subject to the provisions of the relevant University access policies and procedures.

  • The University to address the reasonable needs of all students equitably regardless of individual differences such as gender, religion, ethnicity, age, sexuality, disability or mode of study assistance to develop the skills and values that enable people with diverse beliefs, personal characteristics and backgrounds to work together.
  • Student representation on major decision-making bodies, with that provision being articulated in the relevant Guild Constitutions and regulations of the University.
  • An opportunity to evaluate courses, programmes and teaching and to provide input into program planning and course design.
  • An opportunity to participate in events that facilitate interaction with peers in academic and other less formal settings.

  1. Learning and Teaching
  • To be provided with accurate, timely and helpful information regarding your studies, and about enrolment and other administrative procedures that apply to you
  • That if English is your second or other language there will be concurrent support programs available to develop academic and study skills, including English Language Proficiency (ELP).
  • That your copyright in any essay, assignment, thesis or dissertation you produce will be recognized and that students’ moral rights in relation to original academic work will be acknowledged in, for example, scholarly publications, academic presentations or teaching materials.
  • To receive, at the beginning of each semester from the course coordinator, an up-to-date course profile.
  • That programme and course content will be purposeful and up-to-date and informed by current scholarship in the discipline
  • To have reasonable access to teaching staff for individual consultation outside class times, in person or by other means (such as by telephone or electronic mail)
  • That assessment will be fair, equitable, valid and reliable
  • That assessment will be explicit and there will be a logical relationship between tasks; learning objectives; the criteria used for judgments around assessment; and the grades awarded for different levels or standards of performance
  • That evaluation on the quality of your learning are made by reference to explicit or predetermined criteria and standards and not by reference to the achievement of other students
  • That the provision of feedback on assessment will be recognised as a valuable part of the educative process, and that item of progressive assessment will be marked promptly and returned with feedback and the mark or grade obtained
  • Access to examination marks and scripts, together with appropriate feedback, following release of results
  • Opportunities to engage with community and alumni leaders to enhance your learning experience
  • The curriculum to include access to activities that will enhance employability and personal development.
  • The University to provide library, IT facilities and support.
  • Staffs of the University are committed to the delivery of high standards of teaching, support, advice and guidance.

  1. University Resources and Facilities
  • To be provided with access to resources, facilities and other support to enable you to study
  • That the facilities and/ or equipment you use are safe and comply with the University’s occupational health and safety guidelines
  • Sustainability to be embedded in all activities at the University
  • To be provided with access to support services at Kumi University including; health and counseling services, learning assistance, career guidance, disability support services, accommodation information and recreational facilities
  • To be provided information about a range of relevant external services such as transport, hospital care and education for dependents.

Kumi University Center for International Cooperation Expect Students to:

  1. Be committed to, and exercise responsibility for, their own personal, academic and professional development, taking into account any relevant professional standards.
  2. Students are also expected to take responsibility for managing their own learning: actively engage in their course; ensure they spend sufficient regular time in private study, and participate fully in group learning activities.
  3. Treat other members of the University community with respect and courtesy in all interactions including online communications.
  4. Respect the opinions of others and deal with disagreement by rational debate
  5. Not engage in frivolous or vexatious complaints or grievances
  6. Not engage in conduct which disrupts the teaching, learning or research activities of other students and staff, or which interferes with others performing their duties

  7. Not engage in conduct which might reasonably be perceived as discrimination, harassment or bullying or which is otherwise intimidating.
  8. Acknowledge that you are the beneficiary of the philanthropy and service of alumni and other friends of the University and respect the opportunities afforded to you as a student, and in the future, as an alumnus.
  9. Respect the privacy of all members of the University community
  10. Maintain your personal details such as address and other contact information in the relevant databases
  11. Not share your Kumi University username and password with others
  12. Treat other members of the University community in a fair and respectful manner regardless of individual differences such as gender, religion, ethnicity, age, sexuality or disability.
  13. Participate actively in and contribute to relevant University decision-making bodies
  14. Provide fair and honest feedback on the quality of teaching, courses and programmes
  15. Participate in various student surveys as the data gathered informs the University about the quality of the student experience.<script async src=”//”><

  16. Acquaint yourself with University policies and procedures relevant to your enrolment and studies and observe the Guild Constitution, rules and policies of the University.
  17. Actively develop your social, academic and professional literacy and communication skills.
  18. Access student academic and support services, improving study skills and seeking advice wherever appropriate.
  19. Maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in your work, not cheat in examinations or other forms of assessment.
  20. Ensure that you do not plagiarize the work or ideas of other persons and that the findings of your research are interpreted and presented appropriately and based on accurate data
  21. Attend classes, maintain steady progress in courses undertaken and submit required work on time (except in unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, in which case an approved extension is obtained).
  22. Aim for excellence in educational endeavors.
  23. Conduct yourself in a professional manner while undertaking all activities on Kumi University premises and all external activities directly related to your study and research
  24. Conduct yourself in a professional manner while undertaking industrial placements or other forms of clinical or practice-based experience, and respect
  25. The confidentiality of patient, client or commercial information made available to you as part of your practical learning activities.
  26. Incorporate feedback on assessment into your learning and make sure you use of the assessment criteria with which you are provided
  27. Inform your course coordinator as soon as possible of anything which might affect your studies.
  28. Provide sufficient and accurate information to enable Center for International Cooperation respond to requests appropriately.

  29. Respect University property and the facilities, such as library, computing and laboratory resources, which the University provides to support teaching and learning.
  30. Report any faults or concerns with University property and facilities to the relevant point of contact as soon as possible.
  31. Comply at all times with the University’s occupational health and safety requirements.
  32. Use resources in a sustainable way. Show fairness, professional impartiality and diligence
  33. Value diversity across disciplines, cultures and expertise
  34. Accept and take due account of feedback, given in whatever form
  35. Be proactive in seeking assistance and information from support services as early as possible when you need support.

Please note that the clients’ complaints, compliments and suggestions shall be channeled through appropriate Center organs or feed­back channels. Feedback may be channeled via telephone, letters, e-mail, face to face or suggestion boxes. Confidentiality and privacy shall be respected and all written feedback shall be addressed within ten (10) working days.